Labor and Liberal leaders sign away basic rights


Labor and Liberal leaders have abjectly failed to make the case for today’s COAG decision to sign away yet another tranche of hard-won rights and freedoms, Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim says.

“Police and security agencies already have abundant powers to do their job and to arrest, interview and charge suspects,” Senator McKim said.

“The rights that the Labor and Liberal parties have eroded today are a crucial part of what set Australia apart from authoritarian regimes."

“This is an unjustified trampling of people’s basic liberties, including the freedom from arbitrary imprisonment and the right to privacy.”

“Detaining people for two weeks without charge is offensive to Australian values and the rule of law.”

“Creating a massive database of people’s photographs is a privacy invasion that creates a honeypot for hackers.”

“Australians would have little faith in the government’s capacity to keep their information safe given the census fail and leaks of Medicare numbers.”

“Now, more than ever, we need a Charter of Rights to enshrine and protect vital freedoms and liberties.”

Media Release Attorney General