Lonely Government Called Out Over Logging The TWWHA


Lonely Planet should treat with extreme scepticism any letter from Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman which tries to argue that Tasmania’s wilderness is not under threat, Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim says.
“We’ve now got everyone from the United Nations to Lonely Planet telling the Tasmanian Government to stop compromising wilderness in Tasmania,” Senator McKim said.
“Lonely Planet, like the United Nations, is absolutely right to be concerned about the threats to Tasmania’s wilderness, and no amount of spin from Mr Hodgman can change the facts.”
“The government’s support for logging in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, and plans for huts and lodges to be scattered across some of Tasmania’s wilderness jewels, are genuine threats to wilderness values.”
Senator McKim has co-signed a letter with Tasmanian Greens Leader Cassy O’Connor to thank Lonely Planet for their honest assessment and warning them of the Hodgman Government’s spin.