Media Release: Greens to stand against Dutton's power grab


The Greens will stand against the government's discriminatory anti-immigration agenda, and specifically against Minister Dutton's power grab through the Visa Revalidation Bill.

"This government has made it clear that they want to see an end to multicultural Australia," Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim said.

"Peter Dutton, our anti-immigration minister, is seeking a further expansion of his powers so he can create two classes of Australian citizens, and undermine the security of all migrants living in Australia."

"From his terrible track record, we know that these powers will be used disproportionately against refugees and asylum seekers."

"The Greens will not have a bar of it and will fight him every step of the way."

"We welcome Labor's decision to arise from their slumber on this issue - they now need to commit to completely rejecting this deeply flawed legislation in Parliament."

Media Release Immigration and Citizenship