Nick McKim Invites Senator Richard Colbeck On A Wilderness World Heritage Tour


Australian Greens Senator Nick McKim has offered Tourism Minister Richard Colbeck a guided tour of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA).
Senator McKim today wrote to Minister Colbeck to congratulate him on his appointment, and give him the opportunity to appreciate the outstanding value of the area.
“Minister Colbeck has in the past gone on taxpayer-funded helicopter flights of the area, but I think he'd benefit from a ground-level tour to appreciate its beauty,” Senator McKim said.
“Research shows that Tasmania's wilderness is one of the foundations of our tourism industry and the primary drawcard which attracts people to visit our state.”
“I’m hopeful that after seeing the outstanding natural beauty of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, including the recent extensions, Minister Colbeck will agree that they need greater protection.”
“I believe he will also agree with the United Nations World Heritage Committee’s call for mining and logging to be banned from the area.”
“Senator Colbeck should abandon his anti-wilderness crusade, and come and see for himself the wilderness for the precious, valuable and beautiful place it is.”