Pauline Hanson should apologise to Tasmanians


Pauline Hanson must personally apologise to Tasmanians for endorsing a candidate who believes the Port Arthur massacre was a fabrication, Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim says.

"Senator Hanson owes the people of Tasmania an apology for the reprehensible post that appeared on a One Nation candidate's website," Senator McKim said.

"These comments are breathtaking in their insensitivity and risk unneccesarily causing further trauma to people who have already suffered too much."

"The events at Port Arthur were an awful tragedy that left terrible scars on the lives of so many Tasmanians, and should be out of bounds for the usual One Nation conspiracy theories." 

"Belatedly pulling the piece down is not nearly enough - Peter Rogers should apologise and if he won't, then Senator Hanson should sack him."

"Mr Rogers' claim that he did not personally write this piece are the political equivalent of saying the dog ate his homework."

Media Release Gun Control