Peter Dutton's anti-immigration measures


Peter Dutton's plans to radically redefine citizenship are anti-immigration and will destabilise thousands of families, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.

"There are thousands of people who are working, studying and raising families in Australia who will have their lives destabilised," Senator McKim said.

"These are men, women and children who are proud to be in this country, but now face roadblocks because of Peter Dutton's anti-immigration agenda."

"Peter Dutton is trying to remake Australia in his own narrow-minded and fearful image."

"Australians want other people to succeed, not to fail. They want to help people join our community, not slam the door in their face."

"Labor MPs now face a clear choice - support Peter Dutton's attacks on Australian values or stand up for a free and broadminded Australia."

Media Release Immigration and Citizenship