Polling shows Tasmanians don’t want an increased GST


Polling of Tasmanians showing an overwhelming rejection of a higher GST should send a clear message to the Liberal Federal and State governments, Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim says.
Polling done for The Australia Institute found 60 per cent of Tasmanians opposed raising the GST from 10 to 15 per cent, with only 26 per cent supporting the idea.
“This is a clear message to Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison that Tasmanians will not swallow a higher GST, especially if it’s only used to fund tax cuts for big business,” Senator McKim said.
“Instead of raising revenue from average households, we should stop spending billions of dollars subsiding fossil fuels and on absurdly generous superannuation tax breaks for very high income earners.”
“The polling also sends a clear message to the Hodgman Government that Tasmanians expect the GST to be spent on health and education, not on an election warchest.”