Pontville secrecy must end


Greens spokesperson for Defence, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson says the Defence department must stop insisting that the identity of the buyer of the Pontville detention centre remain secret.

Senator Whish-Wilson, “The Defence Department are keeping the buyer’s identity of the Pontville detention centre secret on the final day before we enter the caretaker period before the election.

“The Pontville centre was a major public asset and the public have the right to know who bought it and how much they paid.

“The community around Pontville deserve to know what sort of business or operation will take over on the site.

“In a state with a history of secrecy and cronyism, the Defence department should not be keeping this basic public interest information secret, as it will cause unnecessary public concern.

“Tasmanians deserve to know how much was paid and whether that money will be reinvested back into the state,” he concluded.