Resources needed to help prevent fires in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area


Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim has written to Environment Minister Greg Hunt to request urgent assistance to fight fires burning in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.
“More than 11,000 hectares of the TWWHA have already been burned, with fires currently threatening multiple locations including the iconic Walls of Jerusalem area,” Senator McKim said.
“While the Australian Greens of course recognise and support the need for fire management authorities to work to protect homes and lives, this does not need to come at the expense of defending the values of the TWWHA.” 
“These are areas with outstanding natural and cultural heritage values which have been recognised as worthy of protection and conservation by the United Nations and the Australian Government.”
“Many of the ecosystems which are currently ablaze or threatened by bushfires are not fire-adapted, and could be lost forever if destroyed by fire.”
“These are areas of extraordinary environmental, social and economic importance, and we must do what we can to protect them.”
“The Federal Government needs to also reverse its decision to cut $46 million from the management of reserves in Tasmania."
”This funding  would have provided for management, including fuel reduction and fire suppression, in Tasmania’s world class reserve system, in iconic areas like the Tarkine, Blue Tier, North East Highlands, Wielangta and Bruny Island.”