Small businesses can remind Scott Morrison of the need for an effects test


The release of a discussion paper on misuse of market power is another chance for Australian businesses to remind Scott Morrison of the obvious need for an effects test, Greens spokesperson for small business and competition policy Nick McKim says.
“Despite its own comprehensive report, and the clear views of small businesses, the ACCC, consumer groups and primary producers, the government is holding another review into the effects test,” Senator McKim said.
“This is an unnecessary step, but it gives people a chance to remind Mr Morrison what should be abundantly clear – an effects test will allow small and large businesses to compete on a level playing field.”
“As former Small Business Minister Bruce Billson made clear, anything less would be a victory for lobbying over logic, and a triumph of back-room political machinations over good economic policy-making.”
The discussion paper is open for comment until February 12.