

So much of the beautiful takayna / Tarkine region remains untouched by any development, but so much remains unprotected. We have previously gathered video footage and photo evidence of off-road motorists who continue to take down protective fences and ride roughshod over Aboriginal middens. We have visited the 100,000-hectare Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area and documented what looked like deliberate vandalism of areas of cultural significance that had been fenced off. 

This video comes from the northern rim of the tarkayna/Tarkine region. While we will continue to work towards ensuring the takayna/Tarkine is protected for future generations, take a moment to appreciate the majesty of this unspoilt region. Join with us in seeking World Heritage listing for this unique part of Australia's environment. From these lush rainforests, to sweeping sand dunes, open buttongrass plains to truly wild rivers, it not a matter of if we protect this regions for all generations, but when.
Find out more about our takayna/Tarkine policy here.