Talking whaling in Japan


Australian Greens Spokesperson for Healthy Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has travelled to Japan in a private capacity to meet with Japanese MPs, stakeholder groups, and the press gallery to discuss whaling in the Southern Ocean.

"Japan recently passed some legislation, effectively legalising their whaling efforts and providing more resources for whaling, including unfortunately potentially providing military assistance with their fleet as they go to the Southern Ocean."

Later this afternoon he will address the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on whaling, climate change and the Great Barrier Reef.

He has already met with Mr Tomokatsu Kitagawa, Minister for Environment.

He will meet today with Mr Taro Yamamoto, opposition MP and one of the only anti-whaling MPs in the whole Diet.

"It's politically unpopular all around the world, it's costing the Japanese taxpayer tens of millions of dollars a year in subsidies."

"It has been put to me by a number of experts and stakeholders here that the only thing that will end Japanese whaling in the Southern Oceans is the Japanese themselves, and that it is time for some dialogue, and it is time for some meetings."

He will also meet with Japanese Greens, Iruka (Dolphin) & Kujira (Whale) Action Network - IKAN and local branches of WFF, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace.

The purpose of the trip is to better understand the depth and breadth of support in Japan for whaling, to highlight the views of the Australian people on this issue and to make country-to-country links.

Listen to Senator Peter Whish-Wilson speaking with Fran Kelly on ABC Radio National this morning ahead of his address to the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on whaling, climate change and the Great Barrier Reef.​

RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly Fran Kelly with Senator Peter Whish-Wilsonmp34.54 MB Video & Multimedia Healthy Oceans