Tasmania Short-Changed By MYEFO


Tasmania has been left completely short-changed by the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook, with $46 million ripped out of the state and not a single dollar reinvested.
“The forests identified for protection under the TFA have not magically ceased to exist,” said Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim.
“They still need active management for environmental and cultural heritage values and fire suppression.”
“This is a $46 million hit to Tasmania which the Liberal Government tried to sneak under the radar by burying it in MYEFO, just ten days out from Christmas.”
“Claims by Richard Colbeck that we are ‘well in front’ are simply dishonest – there is not a single new dollar for Tasmania in MYEFO.”
“Senator Colbeck is trying to re-wrap last year’s Christmas presents by claiming the rebadged Cadbury money and initiatives announced earlier this year as new money for the state.”
“The $46 million would have provided for management of Tasmania’s world class reserve system, including iconic areas like the Tarkine, Blue Tier, North East Highlands, Wielangta and Bruny Island.”
“This short-sighted cut will impact on programs like invasive species responses, fire management and threatened species protection.”
“Our wilderness is by some margin the biggest drawcard for tourists visiting Tasmania, and we expect Australia’s Tourism Minister to do better than trying to defend the indefensible.”