Time for Hodgman and Turnbull to Accept Umpire’s Call on World Heritage Logging


The arrival of the United Nations Reactive Monitoring Mission in Tasmania puts the onus on Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt to reject the Tasmanian government's plans to log inside the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.
Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim again called on the Tasmanian and Commonwealth Governments to accept the decision the World Heritage Committee made in Bonn in June.
“The Tasmanian government has promised to accept the umpire’s decision, but has spent the past five months arguing the toss,” Senator McKim said. 
"The fact is that the umpire's decision has already been made, and Mr Hunt simply needs to get on with the job of ensuring that the State government complies with it."
“Since June we have heard nothing meaningful from the Tasmanian or Australian governments on the World Heritage Committee's key requests including tenure, guidelines for tourism developments, and ruling out logging."
“The Liberals’ bloody mindedness over logging the TWWHA is already damaging the tourism industry, with Lonely Planet issuing warnings to see these precious areas before they are compromised.”
Australian Greens spokesperson for forests and tourism Senator Janet Rice highlighted the exciting opportunities to showcase the World Heritage Area, but emphasised the need to ensure the area is kept pristine for future generations.
“The World Heritage Area provides Tasmanians with the world’s cleanest air and water and is home to our rare and unique wildlife,” said Senator Rice.
“The Tasmanian and federal Liberals must embrace the recommendations of the UN or they will be turning their back on the community.”
Senator McKim will meet with the delegation while it is in Tasmania.