Turnbull bottles it over illegal whaling


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has bottled it once again by refusing to confront Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe over illegal whaling, Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim says.

"Mr Turnbull has again shown he does not have the courage to speak up for the magnificent marine creatures being illegally slaughtered by Japan," Senator McKim said. 

"If only Mr Turnbull's politically driven obsession with border control extended to defending Australian waters from illegal whalers."

"If Australia's relationship with Japan is as strong as Mr Turnbull claims, today provided the perfect opportunity for disagreements to be raised and addressed." 

"As for Mr Abe, he should ensure that the $1 million Australian Federal Court fine is paid and show some respect to the International Court of Justice  decision."

Media Release Healthy Oceans