UNHCR says Australia is undermining global refugee system


The UNHCR has told an inquiry into allegations of abuse in Australia's offshore detention centres that the government's policies are undermining the global refugee system.
"The UNHCR have made it clear that by denying refugees access to Australia, the government is weakening the international framework to resettle refugees," Greens Immigration spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.
"They have submitted that Australia has deliberately exposed people to harm, and failed to meet our legal obligations."
"The UNHCR have also made it clear that sending desperate people to offshore detention centres does not absolve Australia of its duty of care."
"In short, as the government has essentially conceded, offshore detention is not viable."
"This is why every man, woman and child that Australia is detaining on Manus Island and Nauru must be brought to Australia."
The UNHCR's submission can be found here: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Legal_and_Constitutional_Affairs/NauruandManusRPCs/Submissions

Media ReleaseImmigration and Citizenship