US deal chaos causing uncertainty for people seeking asylum


The government's confusion over the US refugee “deal" is creating further anxiety and uncertainty for people who have already suffered for far too long, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.

"While the government argues with itself over whether or not this is a people swap, there are men, women and children suffering in Australia's inhumane detention centres due to the ongoing uncertainty," Senator McKim said.

"This 'deal' was apparently signed more than three months ago, yet not a single person has been resettled in the United States."

"From statements on the record, we know that this agreement does not oblige President Trump to accept a single person from Manus Island or Nauru."

"The simplest way for to resolve the impasse is for Maclolm Turnbull and Peter Dutton to close the camps and bring the people detained offshore to Australia."

Media Release Immigration and Citizenship