Gemma Kitsos

Councillor, Hobart City Council

I want to be part of a fair, transparent and sustainable council. I am a future-focused leader addressing the changing climate, improving the housing and homelessness crisis and combating traffic with an active transport solution. 

I'm a health professional with a background in Occupational Therapy and Clinical Trial management

Active Transport

Active transport builds healthy communities. 

I imagine Hobart to be a city where people of all ages can safely cycle, roll or stroll to school, work, the shops or to fun times, allowing those who need to drive better access to the city. Active transport users have reported a greater sense of engagement with their community and increased use of local services and businesses. 

When people choose active transport over getting in their car it makes a difference to the congestion in our city and to the carbon in our atmosphere. 

Research shows that when there is safe and separated cycling infrastructure, more people will choose active transport. Particularly more women and children. 

I would like to see Collins Street become a bi-directional safe route for cyclists, closing a missing link in our cycle route. I would like to see a dedicated ‘end of ride’ facility in the CBD. 

A Hobart-wide cycling master plan is essential. This can happen if we keep active transport on the Council agenda. 

Housing and Homelessness 

As a health professional, I have seen first-hand the clear link between health and homelessness. Access to housing is a crucial determinant of health and well-being. 

The health experiences of people with housing insecurity are different to that of people who live in a safe, secure home. Experiencing homelessness has impacts on physical health, mental health and the ability to access health care. 

I would like to see more affordable housing projects, regulation of short-stay accommodation and better use of space in our CBD to increase population density. 

I imagine Hobart to be a place that frames all conversations about housing and homelessness through a lens of equity.


I imagine Hobart to be a leader in sustainable city living and community resilience as we face unprecedented change in our climate.  

Livability must be prioritised to future-proof our city. A city's livability is improved when there is clean, green space which encourages community interaction and builds genuine connections. 

I would like to see more parklets and vibrant community spaces in the city, an increase in street trees and improved protection for our Natural Places. I would like to see traffic slowed; returning the streets to the people. 

I know that Hobart can be the most livable city in the country. 

Will you come on that journey with me?

Mum to three, resident of South Hobart. Loves all bikes, music and outdoor pursuits