Say NO to Islamophobia

Take this simple pledge today.

Let's commit to treating Muslim people with courtesy, respect & friendliness and standing firm against Islamophobia

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Ending Islamophobia starts with each of us. It's up to us to create a truly Inclusive Australia where everybody feels safe, valued and respected.

As a resident of Western Sydney, I stand against Islamophobia.          

  • I recognise and appreciate the many valuable contributions that Muslims make to Australian society, especially our communities here in Western Sydney.
  • I pledge that I will choose words and actions that convey welcome, respect and friendliness to Muslim people who live near me. I know that even small things make a difference.
  • I pledge that I will not be part of conversations that show disrespect for Muslims or for their religion. I will not laugh at jokes at their expense.
  • I pledge that I will not dehumanise Muslims or treat them as "others" or outsiders because of their beliefs.
  • I pledge that if I find myself in a disrespectful conversation about Muslims or their religion, I will try to change the conversation's direction towards respect and understanding. If I can't do that I'll walk away.
  • I pledge that if I hear or see Islamophobic words or actions, I won't ignore them. I'll do what I can to call them out.
  • If politicians make slurs against Muslim people or the Islamic faith for their own political purposes, I pledge that I will not be fooled.          

All people have a right to be treated with respect and dignity. I will never accept Islamophobia.