Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Peoples
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Aboriginal peoples are the traditional custodians of the land now known as New South Wales, and that they have a uni…
Agriculture and Rural Land Use
Preamble First Nations people sustainably managed this land for some 80,000 years through complex agricultural practices, culture, peace and deep connection …
Air Quality
Principles The Greens NSW believe: Clean air is a universal right. The earth's atmosphere is a public, natural asset that no one should have right…
Animal Welfare
Principles 1. Animals must be recognised as sentient beings that deserve our care and respect. 2. Animals have intrinsic value, separate from the needs…
Arts and Creative Industries
Arts and creative endeavours are fundamental to our wellbeing, identity, storytelling, understanding of our cultures, and educational growth. We understand c…
Principles The Greens NSW believe: The natural world has a right to exist and thrive. Australian biodiversity is unique and we have a responsibility …
Bushfire Risk Management
Principles The Greens NSW recognise that: 1. Climate change, and associated extreme weather behaviour, is increasingly a driver of high intensity bushfire…
Children and Young People
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. The "best interests of the child" are the paramount consideration when dealing with children and young people and th…
Climate Change
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Humans have radically altered Earth's biophysical environment; this degradation poses the greatest threat to ou…
Coal and Gas
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Mining and burning coal and fossil gas is fuelling the climate crisis. The climate crisis threatens Australia and Au…
Coastal Management
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. The New South Wales coastal zone is a significant natural asset of New South Wales, which must be protected through …
Consumer Protection
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Consumer boycotts are a legitimate and democratic expression of community standards, and an effective method for enc…
Criminal Justice
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. A just and effective criminal justice system protects the community, reduces the social impacts of crime, addresses …
Democracy and Anti-Corruption
Principles: The Greens NSW believe that: Parliament should reflect the diversity of New South Wales society; All citizens who have the right…
Disability Rights and Inclusion
The full and universal inclusion of people with disability across all areas of society is a fundamental and universal human right. Principles The Greens N…
Domestic and Family Violence and Abuse
Principles 1. All people in NSW have the right to live free from harassment, fear, violence and abuse both inside and outside their homes. 2. The Greens N…
Drug Regulation and Harm Minimisation
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Drug use has occurred throughout history and this is unlikely to change. Further, abuse of drugs causes massive harm…
Early Childhood Education
This policy covers all early learning services including preschools, long day care centres that provide both preschool and care for babies and toddlers as well …
Economic Justice and Equity
A just economy prioritises equity, sustainability, and wellbeing. It empowers all, ends poverty and exploitation, and minimises ecological harm. Principles …
Principles The Greens NSW believe: Education is a human right of children and people at all stages of life. Governments have a responsibility to prov…
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Energy is an essential public service. Governments have a responsibility to ensure that all people and business…
Environmental Impact Assessment
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are environmental management tools that include a systematic process for…
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Public firearms policy should be concerned with the prevention of firearm violence and be directed towards the remov…
Most forms of gambling are legal in NSW, and may be considered a form of entertainment. However, The Greens NSW recognise that gambling can cause considerable h…
Genetic Engineering in Food, Crops and Pharmaceuticals
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Genetically manipulated organisms (GMOs), their products, and the chemicals used to manage them pose significant ris…
Health including Mental Health
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Health is affected by physical, mental, cultural, and social well-being, as well as the presence or absence of disea…
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Heritage brings meaning to people through places, objects and practices, and enhances community engagement and well-…
Housing and Homelessness
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Housing is a human right and fundamental to social and economic justice. 2. Every person has the right to afforda…
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Industry in NSW should be ecologically and economically sustainable. Governments play an important role in prom…
Local Government
Principles The Greens believe that: 1. Local government is an essential component of democracy as it is closest to the community and is in the best positi…
Marine Environment
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. In the intrinsic worth of the marine environment and the need to protect and conserve it for future generations. …
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Media freedom, which necessitates diverse, affordable and accessible media and communications systems, is integ…
Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Everyone has the right to be treated equally and to live without fear of racial violence, abuse and discrimination. …
National Parks and Other Protected Areas
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Australia’s native animals, plants and ecosystems have a right to exist and that both state and federal governm…
Native Forests and Sustainable Farmed Timber
The Greens NSW will ensure public native forests become protected areas and timber will be sustainably farmed. Help us build a nature positive future! Princi…
Older People
Principles The NSW Greens believe: 1. Older people have the right to live with dignity and safety free from abuse and neglect, and free from discriminatio…
Planning and Infrastructure
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) must be the primary consideration underlying all planning decisions. Envi…
Public Sector
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Everyone in New South Wales has a basic and universal right to public services. 2. The public sector is best…
Recreation and Sport
Principles The NSW Greens believe: Recreation and sport are necessary for the maintenance of good mental and physical health and are important in the d…
Regional Development
Principles The Greens NSW believe: 1. That there are benefits to encouraging decentralisation and development of regional towns and communities in an ecol…
Sex, Sexuality, and Gender Identity
Principles The Greens NSW: 1. Uphold and defend the dignity and humanity of LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex) people. 2. Believ…
Tourism and Visitors
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: 1. Tourism operations facilitate recreation, wellbeing and livelihoods and have the potential to be a positive s…
Creating sustainable, convenient, publicly-owned, free transport systems to reduce emissions, improve accessibility and strengthen communities across NSW. Pr…
Waste Elimination
Principles The Greens NSW believe that: Governments, business and the community must work to eliminate waste and build a more circular economy. Non-e…
There are competing needs for water between humans and ecosystems including catchments, wetlands, rivers and lakes. This policy seeks to protect, maintain and r…
Principles The Greens NSW assert that all women have a right to: 1. Respect, safety, opportunity and self-determination in society. 2. Opportunities fo…
Work and Industrial Relations
Principles: 1. Every worker must have the right to pursue their conditions and well-being with dignity. 2. Everyone is entitled to a secure job and a mini…
Youth Justice and Child Safety
Preamble Emphasising community-led approaches and empowerment of First Nations peoples, our stance focuses on safeguarding children and youth justice reform.…