Legalise It

Let's Legalise It!

The Australian Greens are moving ahead with the first national plan to legalise cannabis.

Senator David Shoebridge, on behalf of the Greens, has obtained compelling constitutional law advice that provides a path forward for Federal Parliament to legalise cannabis for adult use across the country.

We’ve got a new Parliament, a mandate for change, and Greens in the balance of power in the Senate. This is the best chance we have ever had.

According to the 2019 National Drug Use Household Survey, 40% of Australians have used cannabis and more than 60% of Sydneysiders want cannabis legalised.

If you are an adult and want to chill out with cannabis, you should be able to without the threat of police, violence or imprisonment – without worrying whether you could be convicted for smoking a joint with friends.

This is going to be huge, and you can get involved right at the beginning. Join our campaign and we’ll keep you updated on our progress, as we take our campaign to universities, neighbourhoods and Parliament House.

Let’s legalise it!