This election is a groundbreaking opportunity to elect a second Greens Senator for NSW. For the first time ever, The Greens could have 12 Senators elected across Australia, with the opportunity of being in the balance of power.
When a minor party has the balance of power (either by themselves or shared with others) the Government needs to negotiate to get laws passed.
The Greens will be in a position to take real action on climate, tax the billionaires, get full dental and mental into medicare, fix the broken housing market and continue to be a voice for public accountability.
Change is within reach, with the Greens in the balance of power.
We need a jobs guarantee for workers so that as we shift to a renewable economy, no worker is left behind. We need a 75% emissions reduction target by 2030 and net zero by 2035.
Support our campaign Help elect another NSW Greens Senate candidate.