Last updated: 07 April 2015
The Greens believe that voters have a right to see who is funding parties and candidates before they vote on election day. So we are publishing our donations as we receive them. The Greens NSW have committed to continuous disclosure of the donations we receive during the 2015 state election campaign period. Due to new legislation in NSW, you must be on the electoral roll (state, federal or local) to make political donations which must not exceed $2,000pa to a candidate or $5,000pa to a political party. The Greens NSW only accept donations from individuals and will disclose donations of $250 or more on our website. Also see to see which corporations are funding the major parties' election campaigns.
Name | Location | Donations |
Aaron Newton | NSW | $420 |
Abdullah Demirkol | NSW | $400 |
Alan Hough | NSW | $255 |
Alan Yuille | NSW | $500 |
Aletia Dundas | NSW | $320 |
Alex Smith | NSW | $270 |
Alice Beauchamp | NSW | $500 |
Alice Oppen | NSW | $280 |
Alistair Lochhead | NSW | $1,240 |
Amanda Lopez | NSW | $630 |
Andrej Zecevic | NSW | $255 |
Andrew Clark | NSW | $2,000 |
Andrew Nicholson | NSW | $470 |
Andrew Planner | NSW | $400 |
Andrew Blake | NSW | $1,105 |
Andrew Wood | NSW | $320 |
Angela Seward | NSW | $500 |
Aniko Papp | NSW | $450 |
Ann Young | NSW | $250 |
Anna Le Masurier | NSW | $280 |
Anne Picot | NSW | $605 |
Anne Marett | NSW | $348 |
Anne Udy | NSW | $250 |
Annette Glenn | NSW | $450 |
Annie Nielsen | NSW | $700 |
Anthony Cole | NSW | $900 |
Anthony Hill | NSW | $260 |
Anthony Evans | NSW | $310 |
Antony Lewis | NSW | $1,160 |
Antony Partos | NSW | $360 |
Armen Aghazarian | NSW | $290 |
Arnold Ewald | NSW | $300 |
Aviva Imhof | NSW | $250 |
Barbara Bloch | NSW | $1,090 |
Barbara Davis | NSW | $480 |
Ben Raue | NSW | $380 |
Benjamin Mcelduff | NSW | $1,750 |
Bernard Verrall | NSW | $495 |
Bernice Holmes | NSW | $1,500 |
Bill Vickers | NSW | $500 |
Brad Orgill | NSW | $1,620 |
Brigitte Stievermann | NSW | $350 |
Bronwyn Waddell | NSW | $250 |
Cadence Brown | NSW | $410 |
Carol Flanagan | NSW | $280 |
Caroline Alcorso | NSW | $530 |
Carolyn Green | NSW | $250 |
Cate Faehrmann | NSW | $370 |
Catherine Blakey | NSW | $760 |
Cecilia Ritchie | NSW | $870 |
Charles Pierce | NSW | $373 |
Chester Graham | NSW | $260 |
Chris Dodds | NSW | $1,320 |
Chris Harris | NSW | $310 |
Chris Nash | NSW | $360 |
Chris Stocks | NSW | $250 |
Chris Harris | NSW | $625 |
Christina Smith | NSW | $800 |
Christine Fogg | Qld | $724 |
Clare Herscovitch | NSW | $280 |
Clyde Muirden | Qld | $500 |
Colin Ryan | NSW | $280 |
Colin Hesse | NSW | $490 |
Colin Charlton | NSW | $3,525 |
Colin Ramsden | NSW | $1,200 |
Con Sarantis | NSW | $275 |
Craig Channells | NSW | $1,185 |
Craig Stokoe | NSW | $360 |
Daniela Heil | NSW | $250 |
Daniela Shield | NSW | $600 |
Danielle Buhagiar | NSW | $520 |
Danielle Caruana | WA | $300 |
Dave Kermode | NSW | $260 |
David Black | NSW | $360 |
David Catterns | NSW | $350 |
David Freeman | WA | $250 |
David Griffin | NSW | $250 |
David Atmore | NSW | $1,300 |
David Mathers | NSW | $2,220 |
David Mclean | NSW | $500 |
David Rickards | NSW | $1,000 |
David Saunders | NSW | $250 |
Denise Campbell | NSW | $300 |
Denise Weelands | NSW | $335 |
Derek Finter | NSW | $250 |
Derek Bolton | NSW | $550 |
Desley Banks | NSW | $320 |
Diana Hanaor | NSW | $620 |
Dianne Hiles | NSW | $310 |
Donald Davidson | NSW | $310 |
Donald Drinkwater | NSW | $860 |
Donald White | NSW | $600 |
Douglas Lithgow | NSW | $410 |
Edwin Ryan | NSW | $400 |
Elizabeth Allen | NSW | $1,500 |
Elizabeth Jacka | NSW | $515 |
Elizabeth Obrien | NSW | $410 |
Elizabeth O'hara | NSW | $1,890 |
Elle Marks | NSW | $300 |
Eva Johnstone | NSW | $380 |
Evan Mistilis | NSW | $515 |
Felicity Davis | NSW | $250 |
Frances Milne | NSW | $300 |
Francine Bartlett | NSW | $440 |
Francis Hicks | NSW | $250 |
Frank Briggs | NSW | $299 |
Frank Stilwell | NSW | $420 |
Fred Kite | NSW | $400 |
Fred O'brien | NSW | $250 |
Fred Woollard | NSW | $1,500 |
Gavin Gatenby | NSW | $540 |
Geoffrey Bond | NSW | $500 |
Geoffrey Bull | NSW | $260 |
Giri Sivaraman | NSW | $300 |
Glenn Findley | NSW | $300 |
Gloria Jones | NSW | $420 |
Gordon Kerr | NSW | $310 |
Graeme Jessup | NSW | $285 |
Graham Barnes | NSW | $380 |
Graham Jacobs | NSW | $295 |
Graham Ludlam | WA | $250 |
Gregory Edwards | NSW | $255 |
Hans Dietz | NSW | $500 |
Harald Bergsteiner | NSW | $300 |
Heather Ryan-dunn | NSW | $320 |
Helen Esmond | NSW | $260 |
Helene See | NSW | $520 |
Howard Jones | NSW | $250 |
Howard Mccallum | NSW | $530 |
Iain Mackay | NSW | $250 |
Ian Edwards | NSW | $390 |
Ian Cohen | NSW | $620 |
Jacqueline Marks | NSW | $1,270 |
James Campbell | NSW | $400 |
James Curtis | NSW | $1,100 |
Jamie Shaw | NSW | $2,180 |
Jan O'leary | NSW | $540 |
Jane Ireland | NSW | $300 |
Janet Friar | NSW | $360 |
Janine Kitson | NSW | $620 |
Jason Evans | NSW | $500 |
Jennifer Fitzgerald | NSW | $340 |
Jennifer Kent | NSW | $485 |
Jennifer Nathalie Cuthbertson | NSW | $500 |
Jennifer Axtell | NSW | $310 |
Jeremy Lawrance | NSW | $500 |
Jill Finch | NSW | $290 |
Jill Pain | NSW | $500 |
Jim Underwood | NSW | $320 |
Jj Wong | NSW | $250 |
Joan Croll | NSW | $500 |
Jodie Catherine | NSW | $260 |
Joel Pringle | NSW | $385 |
John Asquith | NSW | $400 |
John Brunskill | NSW | $485 |
John Collee | NSW | $350 |
John Dolman | NSW | $470 |
John Ky | NSW | $635 |
John Diamond | NSW | $555 |
John Sheldrick | SA | $1,620 |
John Thacker | NSW | $360 |
John Croker | NSW | $660 |
John Ward | NSW | $620 |
Jon Ellis | NSW | $680 |
Jonathan Harms | NSW | $920 |
Jonathan Milford | NSW | $1,020 |
Josephine Skellern | NSW | $370 |
Judith Greenwood | NSW | $250 |
Julia Meare | NSW | $250 |
Kali Reid | NSW | $295 |
Karina Kelly | NSW | $500 |
Karyn Green | NSW | $410 |
Kathryn Welch | NSW | $395 |
Kathryn Mitchell | NSW | $290 |
Keith Dwyer | NSW | $325 |
Keith Murray | NSW | $750 |
Ken Grieves | NSW | $445 |
Kerri-ann Jones | NSW | $410 |
Kerryn Higgs | NSW | $1,000 |
Kristian Bolwell | NSW | $685 |
Kylie Turner | NSW | $276 |
Lani Imhof | NSW | $1,045 |
Larisa Klymenko | NSW | $850 |
Lauren Moore | NSW | $280 |
Lauren Ross Griffin | NSW | $270 |
Lawrie Hope | NSW | $320 |
Lee Rhiannon | NSW | $555 |
Leonard Chin | NSW | $500 |
Leonard Hainke | NSW | $480 |
Leonie Andrews | NSW | $250 |
Lesa De Leau | NSW | $445 |
Linda Wilson | NSW | $370 |
Lindsay Peters | NSW | $680 |
Lochkey | NSW | $2,082 |
Luke Morey | NSW | $690 |
Luke Maher | NSW | $410 |
Lyn Casey | NSW | $269 |
Lynn Dalgarno | NSW | $580 |
Malcolm Gillies | NSW | $300 |
Malcolm Mitchell | NSW | $390 |
Malcolm Brooks | NSW | $275 |
Mandy Stubbs | NSW | $515 |
Manny Vassal | Vic | $250 |
Marcelle Lawrence | NSW | $1,300 |
Marella Gouvernet | NSW | $300 |
Margaret Levin | NSW | $455 |
Margie Parsons | NSW | $500 |
Margot Oliver | NSW | $335 |
Marie Armstrong | NSW | $290 |
Marie Flood | NSW | $290 |
Marie Clifton-bassett | NSW | $280 |
Marjory Ellsmore | NSW | $500 |
Mark Riboldi | NSW | $365 |
Mark Ely | NSW | $620 |
Mark Fetterplace | NSW | $450 |
Mark Mackay | NSW | $1,000 |
Mark Wilson | NSW | $2,500 |
Mark Singer | NSW | $550 |
Mark Williams | NSW | $500 |
Martha Morrow | Vic | $400 |
Martin Bes | NSW | $1,500 |
Martin Cousins | NSW | $600 |
Mary Raftos | NSW | $310 |
Matt Hilton | NSW | $420 |
Matt Kendall | NSW | $510 |
Matt Schultz | WA | $250 |
Matthew Barnes | NSW | $250 |
Matthew Parker | NSW | $415 |
Max Pogonowski | NSW | $250 |
Melissa Brooks | NSW | $785 |
Merella Curtis | NSW | $500 |
Merryl Alexander | WA | $250 |
Mervyn Murchie | NSW | $2,080 |
Michael De Vere | NSW | $1,000 |
Michael Fenech | NSW | $550 |
Michael Lee | NSW | $575 |
Michael Lyon | NSW | $620 |
Michael Ord | NSW | $360 |
Michael Palmer | NSW | $320 |
Michael Schien | NSW | $2,120 |
Michael Tuckson | NSW | $1,140 |
Michelle Wellard | NSW | $290 |
Michelle Storey | NSW | $1,000 |
Mick Boller | NSW | $260 |
Monika Gaede | NSW | $270 |
Monique Ryan | NSW | $310 |
Munro Saunders | NSW | $545 |
Murray Scott | NSW | $1,000 |
Narelle Skinner | NSW | $385 |
Neil Gunningham | NSW | $300 |
Neil Tonkin | NSW | $300 |
Nevenka Bareham | NSW | $405 |
Nicole Rowan | Vic | $400 |
Nishan Disanayake | NSW | $2,050 |
Noel Willis | NSW | $300 |
Noela Mcdonald | NSW | $370 |
Norma Hawkins | NSW | $260 |
Norton Jacobi | NSW | $320 |
Olle Scholin | NSW | $560 |
Omar Faruqi | NSW | $295 |
Owen Price | NSW | $360 |
Pam Brown | NSW | $470 |
Paul Boundy | NSW | $1,090 |
Paul Holm | NSW | $320 |
Paul Sowter | NSW | $310 |
Pauline Tyrrell | NSW | $250 |
Pauline Sedgwick | NSW | $660 |
Peter Brosnan | NSW | $350 |
Peter Campbell | NSW | $975 |
Peter Colby | NSW | $1,620 |
Peter Sainsbury | NSW | $1,270 |
Peter Krinks | NSW | $550 |
Peter Lam | NSW | $500 |
Peter Pearce | NSW | $275 |
Peter Ridgeway | NSW | $500 |
Peter Stanton | NSW | $350 |
Peter Vukasovic | NSW | $400 |
Peter Wall | NSW | $630 |
Peter Nicholas | NSW | $720 |
Petrina Slaytor | NSW | $520 |
Phil Bradley | NSW | $755 |
Philip Myers | NSW | $250 |
Philippa Clark | NSW | $867 |
Phillip Anderson | NSW | $1,000 |
Pierre Masse | NSW | $370 |
Priscilla Guest | NSW | $400 |
Don White | NSW | $250 |
Rae Litting | NSW | $350 |
Ray Thomas | NSW | $300 |
Raymond Bellamy | NSW | $330 |
Raymond Cox | NSW | $447 |
Rhonda Fadden | NSW | $620 |
Richard Horniblow | NSW | $305 |
Richard Gentle | NSW | $250 |
Richard Madigan | NSW | $270 |
Rob Vail | NSW | $310 |
Robert Boakes | NSW | $385 |
Robert Shield | NSW | $1,175 |
Robert Garnsey | NSW | $325 |
Robert O'neill | NSW | $300 |
Robert Kench | NSW | $620 |
Robert Kinnane | NSW | $270 |
Robert Soltys | Qld | $500 |
Robin Ramsay | NSW | $550 |
Robyn Counter | NSW | $350 |
Roger King | WA | $1,000 |
Roger Barsony | NSW | $1,620 |
Rosemary Leonard | WA | $350 |
Rosemary Whitecross | NSW | $265 |
Ross Kingsley | NSW | $375 |
Ross Street | NSW | $250 |
Rowan Huxtable | NSW | $380 |
Russell Cox | NSW | $580 |
Sally Forsstrom | NSW | $285 |
Sam Monaghan | NSW | $7,060 |
Sarah Brasch | ACT | $250 |
Sarah Graham | NSW | $440 |
Sarah Neal | NSW | $300 |
Seamus Lee | NSW | $441 |
Sean Foley | NSW | $260 |
Sean Peter | NSW | $250 |
Sharon Laura | NSW | $900 |
Sharon Webster | NSW | $270 |
Shauna Forrest | NSW | $580 |
Sherrie Cross | NSW | $380 |
Simon Rumble | NSW | $300 |
Sonia Groen | NSW | $380 |
Stafford Ray | NSW | $284 |
Stephen Castles | NSW | $480 |
Stephen Miller | NSW | $600 |
Stephen James | NSW | $400 |
Steven Mcdonald | NSW | $250 |
Stewart Whittlestone | NSW | $1,000 |
Stuart White | NSW | $300 |
Sue Dengate | NSW | $410 |
Sue Simpson | NSW | $480 |
Sujeev Vijeyakumaar | NSW | $250 |
Susan Ambler | NSW | $310 |
Susan Hawick | NSW | $300 |
Susie Linder-pelz | NSW | $1,080 |
Susie Ramadan | NSW | $620 |
Suzanne Gray | NSW | $260 |
Sybille Davidson | NSW | $400 |
Sybille Frank | NSW | $430 |
Sylvia Florin | NSW | $250 |
Sylvia Hale | NSW | $510 |
Sylvie Ellsmore | NSW | $340 |
Terrence Coombes | NSW | $270 |
Terry Le Roux | NSW | $450 |
Terry Barratt | NSW | $360 |
Tessa Leong | NSW | $390 |
Therese Cochrane | NSW | $500 |
Thomas Ebersoll | NSW | $540 |
Thomas Kenny | WA | $250 |
Thomas Waddell | NSW | $250 |
Tim Mcculloch | NSW | $1,095 |
Timothy Mcculloch | ACT | $1,000 |
Tony Evans | NSW | $1,120 |
Tony Hickey | NSW | $350 |
Tracey Nixon | NSW | $300 |
Trevor Fairbairn | NSW | $270 |
Vera Yee Yee | NSW | $1,000 |
Verna Rutnam | NSW | $920 |
Vicky Sheppeard | NSW | $385 |
Victor Von Der Heyde | NSW | $520 |
Warren Salomon | NSW | $900 |
Warwick Neilley | NSW | $860 |
Waveney Buttle | NSW | $290 |
Wendel Judd | NSW | $570 |
Wendy Bacon | NSW | $1,380 |
Wendy Mcmurdo | NSW | $700 |
Wendy Rahtz | NSW | $300 |
Wies Schuiringa | NSW | $310 |
William Peter Gayton | NSW | $338 |
William Thomas | NSW | $475 |
William Vorobioff | NSW | $400 |