2024/25 Donations Disclosure for the Financial Year

Last Updated: 17/03/2025

The Greens NSW takes the integrity of political donations so seriously that we have our own internal policy which requires us to not accept donations above $7,900 from an eligible donor in any financial year with the exception of donations to the Federal election campaign which are capped $16,300 until the end of the 2025 Federal election campaign  These figures are indexed annually in line with the Consumer Price Index.

The Greens NSW believe that voters have a right to see who is funding parties and candidates before they vote on election day. Therefore, we are committed to publishing our donations as we accept them. 

Donations which total $1,000 or more in a financial year will be listed on the Greens NSW website, and donors may also be required to disclose these donations to the Electoral Commission.

Name Location Donations
Akira Kamada NSW $1,910
Ali Taheri NSW $1,000
Alison Allcock NSW $1,750
Alison Harwood NSW $1,099
Amanda Lopez QLD $1,600
Amy Croft NSW $3,400
Andrew Blake NSW $1,900
Andy (Andrew) Putnam NSW $1,625
Angelika Treichler NSW $1,450
Annabel McLisky NSW $1,100
Anthony Gregor NSW $1,000
Arthur (Ian) Bain NSW $1,000
Arthur Conigrave NSW $1,600
Atosha Clancy NSW $1,500
Bill (William) Davies NSW $1,650
Bin (Belinda) Chaplin NSW $1,525
Bob Brown TAS $5,000
Brendan King QLD $1,500
Brent Hoare NSW $1,000
Brett (Bret) Whitford NSW $2,500
Bryce Ham NSW $1,500
Caroline Le Couteur ACT $16,300
Catherine Woolnough NSW $1,440
Charlie (John) Bell NSW $2,330
Chris (Christopher) Nash NSW $2,500
Chris (Christopher) O'Neill NSW $2,540
Chris (Christopher) Ryan NSW $3,399
Christine Asmar NSW $2,000
Christopher Dean NSW $2,000
Cihan Genc NSW $1,000
Clive Lane NSW $3,500
Colleen Hickey NSW $1,250
Cynthia Nadai NSW $1,500
David Jones NSW $2,260
David Mathers NSW $2,000
Deborah Kelly NSW $3,500
Devrim Orhan VIC $1,500
Dianne Brooks NSW $1,080
Emma Bellamy NSW $4,000
Felicity Sutton NSW $1,000
Gareth Swarbrick NSW $1,000
Genevieve Firmer NSW $1,000
Hannah Thomas NSW $5,000
Isa (Isabella) Starr NSW $2,000
Ismet Tastan NSW $7,000
James Bennett-Levy NSW $1,000
James Thane NSW $7,500
Jonathan Hall Spence NSW $1,000
Josh (Joshua) Andrews NSW $1,380
Kathleen Cator NSW $2,000
Katrina Evans NSW $1,500
Ken Josh NSW $1,500
Kylie Cain NSW $1,500
Laurie (Laurence) Axtens NSW $1,150
Linda Brannian NSW $1,000
Linda McDonagh NSW $1,234
Lisa Clement NSW $1,000
Liz (Elizabeth) Norris NSW $3,050
Liz (Jane) Atkins NSW $8,735
Luke Robinson NSW $4,000
Lynda Dean NSW $2,000
Marcus (Marc) Gillezeau NSW $1,650
Margie (Margaret) Edwards NSW $1,099
Maria Soria NSW $1,000
Marjory Ellsmore NSW $4,150
Meera Liesle (Liesle) Bickley NSW $1,199
Mel (Melanie) Roome NSW $1,099
Merran Morrison NSW $2,000
Michael Copeland NSW $1,000
Michael Gunter VIC $2,500
Michael Olive NSW $8,000
Michael Ord NSW $1,000
Mike (Michael) Augee NSW $1,000
Mike (Michael) De Vere NSW $1,500
Mike (Michael) Price NSW $2,021
Munro Saunders NSW $4,500
Neil Ashworth NSW $1,500
Ochre (Kim) Lawson NSW $1,455
Paul Thomas TAS $15,050
Pauline Tyrrell NSW $1,000
Penny (Penelope) Bond NSW $1,500
Peter Haggar NSW $1,000
Peter Reddel NSW $1,449
Peter Warbrick NSW $1,910
Philipa Veitch NSW $1,500
Phillip Bradley NSW $4,430
Pru (Prudence) Wawn NSW $5,000
Rae Litting NSW $1,000
Rod (Rodney) Cooper NSW $1,380
Rolf Muller NSW $1,300
Rosemary Leonard NSW $2,000
Ryan Brooke NSW $1,250
Shaun Murray NSW $2,000
Shawna Hartley NSW $1,000
Stephen Jones NSW $2,000
Stephen Nugent NSW $1,050
Sukhjinder Singh NSW $2,525
Tao (Theo) Triebels NSW $3,115
Terry (Terance) Lustig NSW $1,677
Terry (Terrance) Le Roux NSW $2,000
Thuy (Amanda) Nguyen NSW $2,000
Victor Von Der Heyde NSW $1,300
Wassim Soliman NSW $2,560
Winnie (Winifred) Southcott NSW $2,000