2024/25 Donations Disclosure for the Financial Year

Last Updated: 11/11/2024

The Greens NSW takes the integrity of political donations so seriously that we have our own internal policy which requires us to not accept donations above $7,900 from an eligible donor in any financial year with the exception of donations to the Richmond Federal election campaign which are capped $16,300 for the 2023/2024 financial year and until the end of the 2025 Federal election campaign  These figures are indexed annually in line with the Consumer Price Index.

The Greens NSW believe that voters have a right to see who is funding parties and candidates before they vote on election day. Therefore, we are committed to publishing our donations as we accept them. 

Donations which total $1,000 or more in a financial year will be listed on the Greens NSW website, and donors may also be required to disclose these donations to the Electoral Commission.

Name Location Donations
Akira Kamada NSW $1,910
Ali Taheri NSW $1,000
Alison Harwood NSW $1,099
Andy (Andrew) Putnam NSW $1,050
Anthony Gregor NSW $1,000
Arthur Conigrave NSW $1,400
Arthur (Ian) Bain NSW $1,000
Brendan King QLD $1,500
Brent Hoare NSW $1,000
Bryce Ham NSW $1,500
Caroline Le Couteur ACT $10,000
Catherine Woolnough NSW $1,340
Charlie (John) Bell NSW $1,600
Chris (Christopher) Ryan NSW $2,199
Christopher Dean NSW $2,000
Cihan Genc NSW $1,000
Clive Lane NSW $3,500
Cynthia Nadai NSW $1,500
David Mathers NSW $2,000
David Jones NSW $2,260
Deborah Kelly NSW $1,750
Devrim Orhan VIC $1,500
Diane Brooks NSW $1,040
Emma Bellamy NSW $1,000
Isabella Starr NSW $2,000
James Thane NSW $7,500
Josh (Joshua) Andrews NSW $1,380
Kylie Cain NSW $1,500
Laurie (Laurence) Axtens NSW $1,150
Lisa Clement NSW $1,000
Liz (Elizabeth) Norris NSW $3,050
Liz (Jane) Atkins NSW $4,060
Luke Robinson NSW $1,000
Lynda Dean NSW $2,000
Marjory Ellsmore NSW $4,000
Michael Olive NSW $6,000
Mike (Michael) Augee NSW $1,000
Munro Saunders NSW $1,250
Neil Ashworth NSW $1,000
Pauline Tyrrell NSW $1,000
Peter Haggar NSW $1,000
Philipa Veitch NSW $1,500
Prof Ken (Ken) Josh NSW $1,500
Pru (Prudence) Wawn NSW $5,000
Rolf Muller NSW $1,300
Shaun Murray NSW $2,000
Stephen Nugent NSW $1,050
Terry (Terrance) Le Roux NSW $2,000