The Victorian Greens welcome the Victorian Labor Government’s review of Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Act that was released this morning.
The Greens say they’re particularly pleased the government plans to bring legislation to the parliament this year to address barriers in the existing laws, which is something the Greens have long advocated for.
The Greens have been calling for the legislation to be updated, tabling our own Bill last year. Many of the proposed changes are what we and stakeholders have long been asking for.
Families, carers, advocates and practitioners have been calling out the real-life impacts of restrictive components of the scheme, and asking for changes to the laws for years.
The Victorian Greens say that Victoria must now act quickly to take the steps needed to rectify these issues.
We strongly support proposed improvements, including removing the gag clause to allow VAD to be raised by practitioners and removing residency requirements. However, the Greens remain cautiously optimistic as a number of important changes are potentially being overlooked.
Last year the Victorian Greens first read their Bill - the Voluntary Assisted Dying Amendment (Equity and Access) Bill 2024. The Greens’ Bill includes many of the considerations for change outlined in the government’s review.
Additional amendments that the Greens would like to see the government consider include;
- The removal of a time-based prognosis
- Making access to assessments easier
- Further obligations for health services who refuse to provide Voluntary Assisted dying services
- The inclusion of a 3-year legislative review written into the Act, so that further changes can be made as needed.
What this review has made clear is that Voluntary Assisted Dying exists in an evolving legal, clinical and social landscape and that a scheme that may have been considered best practice seven years ago, is now well and truly outdated.
The Greens welcome the government for accepting all recommendations in full and look forward to working constructively to have these much-needed legislative changes passed later this year.
Quote attributable to Dr Sarah Mansfield, Deputy Leader of the Victorian Greens & Spokesperson for Health
“I am really pleased to see that the Victorian government has listened to patients, families and clinicians who have long been calling for fairer and more compassionate Voluntary Assisted Dying laws. Many didn’t think this day would come.
Currently, people who should be able to access VAD can’t do so because so-called ‘safeguards’ are actually restrictive barriers.
We are committed to working with the government to make these proposed changes a reality. While we think they could be strengthened even further, this is a huge step forward.
The Greens will continue to advocate for better access to choice and dignity at the end of life.”