Extension of the life of coal fired power stations a betrayal of NSW community


The owner of Vales Point coal fired power station has today announced the facility could stay open four years beyond its scheduled closure until 2033 at the same time as the NSW minority Labor Government and the fossil fuel lobby fuels speculates about the delay of the closure of Eraring.

Greens MP and spokesperson for climate change Sue Higginson says “this is reckless, dangerous and foul play. Have we forgotten the climate induced fires and floods? We are in a climate emergency, young people are suffering from climate anxiety and many across the Country are doing all that they can to ensure we have a liveable planet in the years ahead.

NSW has sent a clear message to both State and Federal Governments that action on climate is crucial to their lives and deciding their vote. Labor committed to legislating the previous government’s net zero targets and before they have even done that, they’re considering the extension of the life of some of the State’s most climate damaging infrastructure. It is betrayal and defeatist.

“The science says if we are going to have any chance at all at keeping global warming below 2 degrees, we need to reduce our emissions significantly and be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2030.

“It is crucial that the NSW Government now shows real leadership and takes the steps to move us toward net zero. It’s one thing to set a target, it’s another to actually take us there. They need to set out the road map to net zero and we need a regulatory scheme to get us there. We cannot prolong this filthy decrepit climate wrecking infrastructure. This is a matter of the future of our planet. This cannot be left in the hands of big polluting profit motivated corporations to call the shots on when we transition.

“If we let Eraring and Vales Point coal fired power stations continue beyond their planned closures, we lose hope of reducing our emissions and meeting our net zero targets. We need to make big, bold changes and we need to make them now.

“If the NSW Government makes any decisions to extend the life of fossil fuel energy infrastructure before legislating its net zero targets, the legislation will just be a meaningless showpiece. Right now, we’re facing a climate crisis, we need real action.” Ms Higginson said.

For media comment contact: Sue Higginson 0428 227 363