Greens celebrate big animal welfare win, with Government decision to legislate live sheep export ban


Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, has welcomed the Government’s decision to ban live sheep export from May 1 2028 and fund a package to help farmers transition out of the industry.

Senator Faruqi said:

This win belongs to the brave whistleblowers, the determined animal welfare organisations and the Greens who have fought tooth and nail for the inherently cruel and morally bankrupt live sheep export trade to be shut down.

“Today marks a pivotal moment in our fight for animal welfare. I want to congratulate everyone in the community who joined our tireless fight to shut down live sheep export. 

“The Greens first introduced a bill to ban live export back in 2011 and my bill to ban live sheep export passed the Senate in 2018. We haven't stopped since. It's good to see Labor finally catch up and accept, many years and many deaths later, that a ban on live sheep export is necessary.

“While it's great to see the Government commit to an end date, 2028 is still far too many years away. Thousands of sheep will continue to suffer and die on sweltering, packed death ships until then.

“The Greens will be looking to bring forward the live export ban date and ensure that the industry doesn’t ramp up the cruel exports in the years leading up to the ban. 

“The Greens will push for reduced numbers of sheep exported, a complete summer ban, and inspectors aboard every live export ship until this cruel trade is finally shut down.

“I look forward to seeing the government’s bill to legislate the date as a matter of urgency.

“The live export trade cannot be made safe for any animal. It is a business model built on cruelty and is simply incompatible with animal welfare. The Greens will keep fighting for an end to the entire live export industry and a just transition for all workers."