Greens launch campaign to win South Coast


The Greens have announced Shoalhaven Mayor Amanda Findley as their candidate for the seat of South Coast at the upcoming state election in March.

With sitting member Shelley Hancock MP set to retire, the Greens are targeting South Coast as one of their most winnable seats in NSW at this election. Drawing on her strong track record at local government level, Mayor Findley’s campaign will focus on tackling the climate emergency by phasing out coal and gas by 2030, increasing community bushfire resilience as well as addressing the affordable housing crisis.

South Coast Greens candidate Amanda Findley said:

“I’m proud to put my hand up to represent this wonderful and diverse community."

“I’m so fortunate to call the beautiful South Coast home, and I feel a strong sense of responsibility to do whatever I can to preserve and nurture the things that make it so special. That’s why I’m standing at the 2023 State Elections."

“Having served as Shoalhaven Mayor for more than six years now, I have a strong understanding of what really matters to my community: protecting our beautiful natural environment from the impacts of climate change, helping residents become more bushfire resilient, making sure everyone has a safe and secure place to live.

“As Mayor, I’ve helped deliver world-leading renewable energy, affordable housing and sustainable waste management projects right here in the Shoalhaven. With a seat in the Parliament, I’ll be working with my Greens colleagues to take this important work even further.”

Greens MP and lead Upper House candidate Cate Faehrmann said:

“The people of South Coast have a powerful opportunity to send a strong, grassroots voice to the NSW parliament - one that isn’t beholden to the major party machines and the coal and gas corporations and other lobbyists who fund their campaigns."

“Amanda Findley’s experience, track record and profile means she is best placed to deliver for the region as the next South Coast MP. Electing more Greens to parliament will ensure the next government goes further and faster to tackle the housing and cost of living crises, act on the climate emergency and protect the environment."

“The Greens will be providing extra resources for our campaign to win the South Coast. We know that Amanda, as a popularly elected Mayor and champion for her community especially during the Black Summer fires, has what it takes to be the next MP for the South Coast.

“This election, South Coast voters can choose what kind of future matters to them and their families. A vote for Amanda Findley is a powerful message for a fairer, more just and sustainable South Coast that isn’t taken for granted by the major parties.”