Greens MP Kobi Shetty calls for state and federal funding for Leichhardt Oval


Last night at an Extraordinary Meeting, Inner West Council committed to allocating $10 Million for the upgrade of Leichhardt Oval.

While Council adopted the Leichhardt Oval masterplan in December last year, funding to date has been piecemeal, with this decision marking the first major investment in the planned upgrade.

Kobi Shetty MP for Balmain said:

“Leichhardt Oval is a beloved community asset, and it’s been clear for some time that additional work is needed to improve the facility.

“While the funding from council is a start to getting to work on the masterplan, it won’t come close to covering the full project. 

“Both the Premier and the Prime Minister have alluded to available funding from the state and federal governments for this project. But they need to put their money where their mouth is, and make a firm commitment to the council.

“What I don’t want to see is local Inner West ratepayers having to foot the bill for this project, if the state and federal governments don’t come to the table.

“I’ve written to both the Premier and the Prime Minister seeking assurances that the funding they’ve alluded to will be made available to complete the Leichhardt Oval masterplan.

“Inner West Council has made a significant investment, and I want assurances that our community won’t be left with an even bigger bill or a half-finished project if these turn out to be empty promises from the Premier and the Prime Minister.”