Protest for all is a must at a time like this in a State like ours


The NSW Government is pouring fuel on the flames of division in the community over the Sydney Opera House protest on Monday night. As further protests are planned, calls are mounting for the NSW Police Minister to ensure that police fulfil their duty to keep people safe and for the Government to ensure that all people can peacefully assemble to express themselves at this time. 

Quotes attributable to Sue Higginson, Greens spokesperson for police

“The peaceful demonstration by people at the Sydney Opera House on Monday night showed that the NSW Police do know how to manage emotionally charged protests safely. The spontaneous nature of this protest is characteristic of genuine protest and the Police successfully managed the event without arrests or harm. Peaceful protest is a fundamental act within a mature democracy.”

“The pile on by conservative politicians and commentators on the NSW Police Minister are wrong - the Minister has a responsibility to ensure police to protect people that are protesting without harming them or stifling their political expression,”

“Statements from senior Government Ministers and the opposition, that the protest at the Opera House was an illegal and unlawful gathering, are simply untrue and terribly oppressive. People in NSW do have the right to gather peacefully and all Australians have a lawful implied freedom of political communication. Despite attempts by the former Government to restrict these freedoms, the people of NSW are not breaking laws by assembling in public to demonstrate their views. It is also the case that people do not need permission from the police to peacefully assemble and protest on public land and senior members of the Government should know this.”

“Now is the time to reflect on the harmful rhetoric being expressed by the Government and Opposition. The right to peaceful protest in NSW should be enshrined in law to ensure that harmful and inciting rhetoric against protestors can be put away. It is a fundamental and critical aspect of mature democracies that protest be not just allowed but protected,”

Quotes attributable to Jenny Leong, Greens spokesperson for Human Rights

“The decision to light the Opera House with the colours of Israel and ignore the loss of lives of innocent Palestinian people for decades was a terrible judgement call from the Minns Government. The violence occurring in Gaza right now is horrifying and tragic. The NSW Government has a responsibility to call for peace, respecting and showing empathy for the trauma members of those communities here in Australia experience. 

“It is deeply disappointing that some in the media chose to focus on the absolutely vile and very small group of demonstrators that were shouting disgusting anti-semitic things in the crowd. Those people are not representative of the purpose of the demonstration at the Opera House and the views expressed by the far right than human rights advocates,”

For media contact call: 
Sue Higginson 0428 227 363
Jenny Leong 0401 923 644