Shutting Down Protests is an Attack on Democracy, Says Greens MP Kobi Shetty


NSW Greens MP and party spokesperson on Democracy, Kobi Shetty, has voiced strong opposition to the NSW Government’s efforts to stop protests in Sydney this weekend.

Shetty emphasised that the fundamental right to protest must be protected, especially at a time when many Australians are deeply concerned about the escalating violence in the Middle East.

Kobi Shetty MP and Greens spokesperson on democracy, says:

“Attempts to block peaceful demonstrations represent a dangerous overreach by authorities and could set a worrying precedent for democracy in Australia.

“By attempting to shut down democratic protests, the government is not just stifling free speech but also ignoring the genuine concerns of thousands of Australians who want to voice their opposition to violence and war. This is not just about one group or one issue – it’s about the right of all people to participate in the democratic process without fear.

Shetty reiterated the importance of ensuring protests are peaceful but argued that shutting down public gatherings is not the answer.

“Our authorities should focus on ensuring protests remain peaceful, rather than intimidating communities with court orders and heavy-handed police responses. We need cooperation with local communities to enable safe and peaceful assembly, not blanket crackdowns.

“At a time when tensions are running high, the best way forward is through dialogue and peaceful protest, not by trying to silence those who speak out against violence. We need to uphold the right to protest while ensuring public safety, and this balance is crucial for our democracy.”