Greens MPs have laid out their demands for action on climate change and confirmed the party will never do a deal with the Shooters party at a press conference this morning.
“Addressing climate change is the burning issue for voters in NSW, poll after poll tell us this,” Jenny Leong, MP for Newtown said.
“The Greens are the only party quite rightly committing to a suite of essential initiatives to tackle climate change and electricity prices.
“We have a detailed renewable energy policy platform that has been endorsed by everyone from environmental groups to the NSW Farmers Association.
“We must act now and to every politician who doesn’t understand this I have one thing to say to you - it’s the climate stupid.
“Our climate and energy policy platform is the most ambitious and detailed plan ever seen in NSW politics,” Leong said.
In relation to media reports of the Greens looking at ‘a deal with with Labor and the Shooters’:
“Labor won’t be dragging us into their deal with the Shooters,” Jamie Parker, MP for Balmain said.
“This claim is wildly inaccurate and ridiculous. We never have, we will never will, do a deal with the Shooters.
“A strong team of Green MPs in the middle of Parliament will keep Labor on track and stop them from falling back into their old, corrupt habits,” Parker said.
Our detailed climate and renewable energy policy platform: https://greens.org.au/nsw/renewables
Media Contact: Andrew Bradley p: 0403 777 137 e: andrew.bradley@nsw.greens.org.au