Hi, I’m Debbie.
For 30 years I’ve been standing up for what’s right.
I have worked in education, community services, health and local government helping ordinary people who struggle to get access to services most of us take for granted.
I have campaigned for First Nations Justice, humane treatment of refugees, and environmental protection.
In Gilmore I see people struggling to afford housing and weekly expenses and little relief coming from government. The needs of our people and our beautiful environment matter.
I’m running for Gilmore because the 2 major parties have let us down. Too often their policies don’t address our concerns.
- Feel let down by Labor?
- Don’t want Dutton?
- Vote 1 Greens on both ballot papers and use your preferences wisely.
With your vote we’ll keep Dutton out and push Labor to:
- Stand up for Climate Action. Labor have approved 33 new coal and gas projects in this term. The Greens will stand against fossil fuel corporations and bring energy costs down.
- Bring Dental and Mental Health into Medicare and make GP visits free . 1,000 new healthcare clinics to provide free GP, nurse, dental and psychologist consultations.
- Freeze and cap rents, build affordable and public homes. Pay for investment in new housing by phasing out tax breaks for wealthy investors including negative gearing.
- Bring back free Uni and TAFE. Wipe out all student debt and boost funding to public schools.
- Tax big corporations and billionaires to pay for this.