Frankie Scott

Candidate for Macarthur

My name is Frankie Scott, and I’m proud to announce that I’m standing as the Greens candidate for the 2025 Federal Election in Macarthur. I’ve lived in this region my entire life and have spent many years working in the mental health system, helping people navigate a healthcare system that too often fails them.

I’ve seen the cracks in this system firsthand. As a breast cancer survivor and a single mother of a child with chronic health needs, I know the strain of a healthcare system that doesn’t support families when they need it most. From skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs to long emergency room wait times, I’ve struggled to access affordable, timely care—just like so many others in our community.

Every day, I meet people in Macarthur who are forced to skip doctor’s appointments, letting their health decline because they can’t afford the care they need. People are choosing between feeding their families and paying rent, while corporations and billionaires dodge their fair share of tax. And the government? They’re not doing nearly enough to fix these issues.

The solution is simple: we can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expecting change. Macarthur deserves better, and it’s time to act.

The Greens understand that no one should ever have to choose between their health or a roof over their heads. That’s why we are committed to investing more in Medicare, ensuring that every Australian can access the healthcare they deserve.

We will stop corporate price gouging that drives up the cost of living, freeze and cap rents to make housing more affordable, and ensure that big corporations pay their fair share of tax.

A vote for me means standing up for a fairer, more affordable future. I’ll fight to ensure the people of Macarthur get the care, support, and opportunities they deserve.

This Federal Election, a vote for The Greens is a vote for change that Australians desperately need and deserve.

Frankie for Macarthur!

Frankie Scott

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