Paul Johns

Candidate for Paterson

Greens Paterson candidate Paul Johns is enjoying the contest for Paterson in the run up to the Federal Election. As he says to his constituents when he is door knocking, ‘if you are doing it tough, you are not alone.’

Paul was dealt a rough hand at birth, having a degenerative condition which led to blindness as a teenager, but he has risen to the challenge and is a mentor to others with a disability and is contesting his third Election in a row. Growing up Paul never thought he had a vision problem until he had to sit closer and closer to the TV, he thought that was normal. Paul now has a home in Thornton and is married with two grown children and works supporting intellectually disadvantaged persons.

Paul contested two previous Local Government Elections and last year came within a couple of hundred votes of upsetting the Deputy Mayor of Maitland’s run for government. Paul’s grit and determination have seen him shine in overcoming the barriers of his disability.

To see Paul using the technology that enables him to access the computer data from Greens NSW, and ring and talk to many supporters in his area is a lesson for us all. He can communicate with whoever he chooses using state of the art technology that keeps him sharp and focused on the main game in politics.

And that is to tell his supporters and members of the public that whatever challenges we face in life, things can always be made better if we all work together to get the best outcomes for ordinary working people.

‘One of the main things we can do for a start is to tax the corporations properly so that they pay their way,’ said Paul, ‘and then that money can be put to work to help ordinary people get the health outcomes they deserve, like making sure we put Dental and Mental Health into Medicare?’

‘Also we could then afford to supply Uni and TAFE for free so that we can really train people to the best of their abilities,’ Paul added. ‘The cost of living is rising so rapidly as well, to ensure we have good wholesome food we have to balance the budget so strictly now, especially with the costs of electricity and other household items – it is getting harder every week to make ends meet.’

Paul sees The Greens as the only party he can support because of the policies as they relate to everyday living as well as trying to future-proof our environment and reduce emissions by the Government using more renewable power.

For more information regarding Paul and the challenges he has faced, please view the Guide Dogs Support Video

You can contact Paul on 0437 381 968, email:

Paul for Paterson!

Paul Johns

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