To the Minister for Metropolitan Roads, NSW Government
We, the undersigned residents of Western Sydney are concerned about the inadequate investment by the NSW state government in our local roads, streets and footpaths.
We call on the NSW government to increase its financial support to Western Sydney local councils to ensure that they can:
- Make lasting and timely repairs to local roads where potholes are damaging our vehicles and contributing to accidents;
- Put in place traffic calming structures to slow the speeding motorists who are endangering our children, our elderly and disabled people and our pets and wildlife;
- Repair and renew damaged footpaths, adding footpaths where they don’t exist and removing the trip hazards that make walking risky.
We call for the NSW Government’s "Fixing Local Roads Program" to be doubled, so that the neglected local roads of Western Sydney can be properly maintained as well as roads in regional NSW.
Sign our petition and join the campaign here