Welcome to the Greens!
Your decision to join is so important for our movement. Thank you for your support. There are so many ways you can get involved and we can’t wait to change the world with you.
The Greens political movement is founded on the four pillars of Ecological Sustainability, Peace, Non-violence & Disarmament, Social & Economic Justice; and Grassroots Democracy. Below are some examples of the ways you can be involved.
We’re so proud of how far we have come since our humble beginnings and it’s only possible because people like you who decide to put yourself forward to make the world a better place. Whether that’s through volunteering, shaping our policies, amplifying our shared vision or contributing financially, it all makes a difference.
Read more about the Greens at grns.me/about.
The NSW Greens is made up of 59, geographically based Local Groups. 6 times a year, delegates of each group meet in-person or online at our State Delegates Council (SDC), which facilitates discussions and decision-making on policies, campaigns and other issues. All members can attend an SDC as observers. Local Groups will elect their delegate/s and typically hold a meeting to discuss proposals ahead of each meeting. You can contact Local Groups at grns.me/nsw/local-groups
In NSW there are 73 councillors representing you across the state; 7 members of the NSW Parliament; and 2 Senators as part of our team of 15 in the Federal Parliament. As a member, you will have the opportunity to help decide who will represent us as election candidates or you may even choose to nominate yourself as a candidate. Through your local group or campaign committee you can contribute to campaign strategy and development or be a part of your Local MP or Councillor’s reference group.
Find out more about our Councillors at greensoncouncil.org
Find out more about our State and Federal MPs at grns.me/nsw/mps
Sometimes it can be confusing as a new member – with all sorts of acronyms and jargon! You can find a glossary at grns.me/nsw/GNSWglossary
Whether it’s our Let’s Talk online series, campaign training, local trivia nights, contingents to rallies or another event, you’ll find a whole range of things to do here: greens.org.au/events/nsw.
As well as Local Groups, the NSW Greens has a range of issues-based and identity-based networks and working groups to get involved in. These groups provide a space for members to have input into policy decisions relevant to them, drive issues-based campaigns and give you an opportunity to network with like-minded people. Some networks and working groups include:
Young Greens Environment Action Working Group Sex, Sexuality & Gender Identity |
Women’s Network Climate Action Working Group Industrial Relations Working Group |
Your Local Group might also have local working groups so be sure to get involved locally.
Instagram: @nswgreens |
Facebook: fb.me/The.Greens.NSW |
Threads: @nswgreens |
X (/Twitter): @GreensNSW |
We don’t accept corporate donations and we’re serious about keeping big money out of politics. As part of our commitment to limiting the influence big money has on our democracy, the NSW Greens have our own self-imposed annual cap on donations. Our work relies entirely on the support of passionate people like you giving what you can.
Reliable support from small donors allows us to plan ahead, spend strategically and get results where they matter. Sign up to our recurring donor program at grns.me/nsw/secure-our-future
Want to leave a lasting legacy for people and the planet? Find more information about including the Greens in your will at evergreen.greens.org.au/suggested-wording-nsw