
I’m Res McCalman, your Greens candidate for Casuarina.


I’m a midwife and researcher, and I’ve undertaken my PhD in First Nations women’s health. I’ve worked in hospitals and Aboriginal-controlled health services.


I’m a Ballardong Noongar woman with European descent and the third midwife in my recent Ballardong lineage. I now work at Charles Darwin University, working alongside women in a remote community on a Yolŋu-led project offering local women education, employment and caring opportunities. I’m also a policy advocate for Birthing on Country and improving maternity services for all women, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

I’m the daughter of a teacher and a nurse midwife, and I’ve been in the Territory for four years now. It’s a special place, but the major parties are letting all of us down. 


I’ve never seen myself as someone who would run for Parliament, but we need better alternatives in the Territory. The major parties agree on too much. They both support fracking on Country, the destruction at Binybara Lee Point, and building more prisons instead of dealing with the deep issues that surround community safety.


I was so upset by what happened at Binybara Lee Point. It was such a stark example of the community not being listened to and how the Territory government is failing us and failing our environment. We all need representatives who care about looking after people, nature, and significant places. That’s why I’m running for the Greens at this election.


I’m excited to represent the people of Casuarina, Nakara, Brinkin, Tiwi, Lyons, parts of Muirhead, and Binybara Lee Point.

Read about me in the NT News

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