ALL Greens Events

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Upcoming events in these areas

WEEK OF ACTION: Let's Win Macnamara! St Kilda Doorknock

Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in St Kilda to hear from our community about the issues they care about. 

Federal Campaign Updates

Come along and get an update on where our community campaigns are at, receive some training and resources and hear from other campaigners across the state!

Let's Win Wills! Tuesday Arvo Doorknock

We're knocking on doors during the weekday to help Sam win Wills!

Greens for Grayndler Call Party

Join us as we reach out to our supporters and voters to grow our Greens movement in Grayndler


Calling supporters to invite them along to our regular door knocks & campaign activities

WEEK OF ACTION: Let's Win Macnamara! St Kilda Doorknock

Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in St Kilda to hear from our community about the issues they care about. 

Team Melb Campaign Night

Join us for recruitment calls, data entry and other tasks to build Team Melb

Sturt Phone Calling Party

Help grow our movement by connecting with supporters about upcoming events.

Supporter Calling Party in North Hobart

Come and join us to help us build our movement

Free Community Dinner - South Bank!

Join us in Southbank for a Free Community Dinner!

Federal Election Data Party

Get involved in our campaigns for Sydney and Grayndler!

Campaign Working Bee

Help process our doorknock data and make phone calls for your campaign team!