ALL Greens Events
Turning Swan Green - Kensington: Coffee and Doorknock
The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about the fight to address the housing crisis in WA - and we need your help. Join us for a c…
Fraser Doorknock - Maidstone
Let's have persuasive conversations with community members of the west!
Let's Win Wills! Glenroy Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Glenroy to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Coburg Doorknock: Cooper
Get out and connect to our community! We’re knocking on doors in Coburg to hear from our neighbours about the issues they care about.
Sturt Doorknock - Dernancourt
Help win Sturt! We’re knocking on doors to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
DAY OF ACTION: Grayndler and Sydney Joint Doorknock
Join our Grayndler & Sydney campaign teams for a joint Doorknock and be apart of the movement to turn Inner Sydney Green!
Let's Win Macnamara! St Kilda Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in St Kilda to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Weekend of Action to Win Casey! Mooroolbark Mega Doorknock
Come along to listen and learn from the community, find out what matters most to them, and help us turn Casey Green!
Let's Win Macnamara! Port Melbourne Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Port Melbourne to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Let's Win Wills! Pascoe Vale Doorknock
Get involved in your neighbourhood! We’re knocking on doors in Pascoe Vale to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
International Women's Day Sign Painting Workshop
Come along and design your sign for the International Women's Day march!