The Tasmanian Greens are committed to open and fair politics. As part of that commitment, we publish the details of donors whose total donations to the Tasmanian Greens was $1,000 or more during the current financial year.
2024/2025 Donations
Last updated on 27th February 2025
Dominet Digital Corporation Pty Ltd ATF The Carosa Family Trust | $20,000 |
Tom Hall | $5,000 |
Bill Harvey | $5,000 |
Robyn O'Connor | $3,006.06 |
Alan Rees | $2,500 |
Jan Rees | $2,500 |
Roland Browne | $2,500 |
Geoffrey Bradshaw | $2,000 |
Vanessa Bleyer | $1,745 |
Tony Thurstans | $1,501 |
Donna Burton | $1,500 |
Margrit Korosi | $1,500 |
Edward King | $1,350 |
Heather Rose | $1,000 |
Paul Thomas | $1,000 |
Rosalie Woodruff | $1,000 |
Geoff Dodd | $1,000 |
Pamille Berg | $1,000 |