Donations Disclosure

The Tasmanian Greens are committed to open and fair politics. As part of that commitment, we publish the details of donors whose total donations to the Tasmanian Greens was $1,000 or more during the current financial year.


2024/2025 Donations 

Last updated on 27th February 2025

Dominet Digital Corporation Pty Ltd ATF The Carosa Family Trust $20,000
Tom Hall $5,000
Bill Harvey $5,000
Robyn O'Connor $3,006.06
Alan Rees $2,500
Jan Rees $2,500
Roland Browne $2,500
Geoffrey Bradshaw $2,000
Vanessa Bleyer $1,745
Tony Thurstans $1,501
Donna Burton $1,500
Margrit Korosi $1,500
Edward King $1,350
Heather Rose $1,000
Paul Thomas $1,000
Rosalie Woodruff $1,000
Geoff Dodd $1,000
Pamille Berg $1,000