Tabatha Badger

Member for Lyons

Tabatha is a small business owner and environmental campaigner who has grown up in Lyons, currently living in Ellendale.

Having lived across regional Tasmania, Tabatha understands the importance of improving access to health and education services and the need for more cost of living support for those doing it tough. 

As a keen bushwalker Tabatha deeply appreciates Tasmania’s globally- unique wilderness and is dedicated to protecting our environment.

"Hey! I’m Tabatha Badger, Chair of the Wilderness Society, Restore Pedder Campaign Director, previous Lyons Convenor and Senate support candidate for Peter Whish-Wilson (2022).

Lutruwita/Tasmania faces a myriad of crises; climate-biodiversity, housing, cost of living… For fundamental change we need the Greens back in the balance of power.

That’s why I represent Lyons - For urgent climate action, social equality and, underpinning both, First Nations justice.

With experience in media, advocacy and political liaison I have the skills to be a savvy candidate and effective future MP.  At a grassroots level I'm established in the Lyons community; I’m an avid bushwalker and spend much time working on, or for, the committee of; Fishers and Walkers Tasmania, Tasmanian National Parks Association, Freycinet Action Network, Friends of the Great Lake, and Maydena Community Association.

Professionally, I run a business undertaking conservation and ecosystem management, have a Masters in Tourism, degree in environmental science and automotive mechanics qualification. I have support from environmentalists plus the small business sector and automotive industry."

Contact Tabatha

tabatha badger

(03) 6212 2260

Portfolios: Primary Industries | Police, Fire and Emergency Management | Parks and Public Land | Skills and Training | Tourism and Hospitality | Prevention of Family Violence | Small Business | Science and Information Technology | Mining