8 March, 2021 - NSW Greens MPs Jenny Leong and Abigail Boyd are urgently calling on the Premier to reinstate the Minister for the Prevention of Sexual Assault.
8 March, 2021 - Backed by NSW women MPs from across the political spectrum, Chanel Contos has launched a NSW e-petition on International Women’s Day. The petiti...
7 March, 2021 - A motion calling on NSW Parliament to take proactive measures to ensure it is a safe workplace for all women and is free from sexual assault and...
5 March, 2021 - The leaked NSW Cabinet proposal to create a cut-rate workers compensation scheme for gig economy workers threatens to create a permanent undercl...
5 March, 2021 - NSW Greens Agriculture Spokesperson and Member for Ballina Tamara Smith MP has condemned the Nationals Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall for li...
5 March, 2021 - The announcement today of an urgent order protecting Wahluu (also known as Mount Panorama) is a major win for the campaign by Traditional Owners...
26 February, 2021 - This week’s Budget Estimates hearing with the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs revealed a system geared towards the destruction of Aboriginal...
26 February, 2021 - Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and water spokesperson and Helen Dalton, the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Member for Murray, have slammed the mos...
26 February, 2021 - NSW Minister for Prevention of Sexual Assault must be reinstated
Jenny Leong MP, Greens spokesperson for Women’s Rights is urgently calli...
19 February, 2021 - The appointment of the current Police Commissioner to the ARL Commission presents a clear conflict of interest for the highly paid public se...
18 February, 2021 - A Greens motion condemning money laundering via poker machines and calling on the Government to urgently prioritise the development of measu...
18 February, 2021 - A Greens motion condemning money laundering via poker machines and calling on the Government to urgently prioritise the development of measu...
17 February, 2021 - Today the NSW Parliament has rallied around a Greens motion calling for the protection of irreplaceable cultural heritage at Wahluu, otherwi...
9 February, 2021 - The NSW Greens anti-corruption spokesperson Jamie Parker MP has called for Crown’s licence to be revoked following the release of the Bergin ...
5 February, 2021 - The Greens strongly oppose the steps being taken by the Administrator of the Central Coast Council to remove the area’s NUCLEAR FREE ZONE sta...