Katie McCusker

Candidate for Sturt

Hi, I'm Katie McCusker.

I’m Katie McCusker and I’m honoured to be your Greens candidate for Sturt. 

I love this community. I grew up in this area and now I am raising my son here. 

I’ve dedicated my career to working to support our community, both as a renters advocate and a public health administrator.

I know the challenges that people in our community are facing; from soaring rents and mortgages to the rising costs at the supermarkets and already feeling the impacts of the climate crisis.

At the recent Dunstan by-election, our community sent a strong message to both of the major parties; it’s time for change.  I am so excited to push for change at the federal election.

Our community here in Sturt should be represented by someone who shares our values and understands our challenges, not a member of Peter Dutton’s Liberal Party who sows division in our community and wants to put nuclear power in our backyard.

I know that this community expects better from politicians and our campaign will focus on solutions to the issues that impact people’s lives.

At this election, we can make change, but you need to vote for it.


Together, we can:

Bring down the cost of living by taking on the price gouging supermarkets.
Freeze and cap rents, stop interest rate rises and build more public and affordable homes. Scrap Labor's handouts to wealthy property inverstors that stop renters buying their first home.  
End fossil fuel expansion, stop Labor from approving new coal & gas projects.
Get dental and mental health into Medicare by taxing big corporations to fund it.
Take strong climate action and protect our precious environment and wildlife.


Labor is failing to tackle the cost of living, housing and climate crisis, and we know that Dutton would be worse. But we need urgent change now.

The Greens have a bold plan for the future. We’ll take on the big corporations and tax them to fund the things that will make all our lives better.