Federal Election 2025

Our Candidates

Get to know our candidates in the next federal election.

Donate to the Campaign

Donate to our 2025 Federal Election Campaign Fighting Fund!

Our Vision

We're committed to a fairer, greener future for South Australia

Our Policies

The Greens are the genuine alternative, with a clear vision for South Australia.

Our Campaigns

Join our campaigns for change in South Australia.

Get involved

Our movement is powered by people just like you


Do you believe in a fairer, more inclusive, and greener Australia? Volunteer with us and together we can make it a reality.


Unlike Labor and the Coalition, we don’t have the deep pockets of big business.

We have something far more powerful. You.


Join the SA Greens and become a part of a vision of an Australia with the courage to take action on important issues.

Our people

Meet the people who power a movement

Our State MPs

Robert Simms and Tammy Franks are working for you in SA Parliament

Our Federal MPs

Sarah and Barbara are fighting for progressive change in Federal Parliament, and a fairer future for all of us.