SA Greens Events
Hindmarsh Doorknock - Port Adelaide
Help win Hindmarsh! We’re knocking on doors to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Sturt Doorknock - Rostrevor
Help win Sturt! We’re knocking on doors to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Sturt Doorknock - Newton
Help win Sturt! We’re knocking on doors to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Australia’s relationship with the US: Allied, Annexed or Ambushed
Join Senator Barbara Pocock as she talks to Margaret Hallock, long time US union educator, feminist and political researcher, on the current state of politics in the US and our relationship with it.
Sturt Phone Calling Party
Help grow our movement by connecting with supporters about upcoming events.
Sturt Leaders Meeting
Join our leadership team meeting to help guide and grow the Sturt campaign! For current volunteer leaders and those interested in taking on leadership roles.
Sturt Doorknock - Norwood
Help win Sturt! We’re knocking on doors to hear from our community about the issues they care about.
Sturt Doorknock - Payneham
Help win Sturt! We’re knocking on doors to hear from our community about the issues they care about.