SA Greens Events

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Upcoming events in these areas

Campaign Working Bee

Help process our doorknock data and make phone calls for your campaign team!

Sturt Phone Calling Party

Help grow our movement by connecting with supporters about upcoming events.

Makin - Calling party

Join this session with Makin to connect with other volunteers and supporters in your area, to help build our movement and make this the biggest campaign in SA history. 

Hindmarsh Calling Party

Help build our movement in the Hindmarsh electorate. Join this session to connect with other volunteers and supporters in our area.

Spence Flyering Blitz - Elizabeth

Join our flyering team! Chat with locals and help grow our movement in Spence.

Glandore Tram Stop 7 Power Doorknock

Join our movement - your voice is powerful!

Shopping Centre flyering - Gilles Plains - Greenacres

Join our flyering team! Chat with locals and help grow our movement in Sturt.

Sturt Power Doorknock - Tranmere

Help win Sturt! We’re knocking on doors to hear from our community about the issues they care about.

Letterboxing Blitz - Makin

Help spread the word about The Greens!

Doorknock Prep Bee

Help prepare the doorknocking lists for the weekend sessions.

Sturt Doorknock Prep Bee

Help prepare the doorknocking lists for the weekend sessions.

Kingston Market Stall - Christies Beach Twilight Markets

Help out at the Greens stall at the Christies Beach Twilight Markets