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Militarised police raid on climate campaigners is draconian police overreach

20 June, 2022 - "The actions of NSW Police, launching a preemptive raid against a property with a hundred armed police, dogs and helicopters, on suspicion of pl...

Health data paints alarming picture of healthcare breakdown: Greens

15 June, 2022 - Data released today confirms that the NSW health system is in crisis with emergency department wait times at record highs second only to 2020 wh...

Community takes control of Short-Term Holiday Letting in Byron Shire

9 June, 2022 - Today the NSW Minister for Planning, Anthony Roberts, announced that Byron Shire Council and the Byron community will now have the power to cap s...

NSW Upper House Set to Debate Bill to Establish Great Koala National Park

8 June, 2022 - Today (Wednesday) the NSW Upper House will debate a bill to establish a Great Koala National Park on the mid-north coast with Labor and the Gover...

Politics Wins Over Koalas: Great Koala National Park Bill Defeated

8 June, 2022 - Politics has once again won out over the future of koalas in NSW with the Government and Opposition voting against a Greens bill to establish a G...

Greens welcome NurseKeeper Bonus, but Premier’s Pay Cut a Slap in the Face for Healthcare Workers

6 June, 2022 - Greens welcome NurseKeeper Bonus, but Premier’s Pay Cut a Slap in the Face for Healthcare Workers  While a pandemic payment will be welco...

Proposed Drug Diversion Scheme Will Still Fail the Most Vulnerable

2 June, 2022 - The Attorney-General’s proposed drug diversion scheme to give police discretionary powers in issuing fines to people caught with small amounts of...

Nurses & Midwives Let Down by Ratios Backdown: Greens

5 May, 2022 - Nurses and midwives across NSW have been let down by the major parties’ refusal to back nurse to patient ratios, which are vital for the safety of...

Politics must be now put aside to fix rural health after inquiry report handed down: Greens

5 May, 2022 - Greens NSW MP and health spokesperson Cate Faehrmann is calling on the government and the opposition to put politics aside and work together, with...

Greens Bill to tackle mould and rising rents in NSW

29 April, 2022 - In response to rental horror stories of extreme mould and reports of growing rental unaffordability, NSW Greens Housing spokesperson and Member...

Paramedics Survey Show Govt Action on Pay Demands Dangerously Overdue

21 April, 2022 - The alarming results of a survey of working conditions of NSW paramedics released today must be the catalyst for the NSW Government to act on t...

Government must give striking healthcare workers’ their pay rise or risk health system collapse

7 April, 2022 - The NSW Government must respond to thousands of striking healthcare workers across the state by agreeing to scrap the 2.5% public sector wage fr...

Today the Coalition has made it a crime to protest at Town Hall

6 April, 2022 - Fresh regulations made under the new anti-protest laws have made it a crime, punishable by up to 2 years in jail, to take part in or organise a ...

Flood funding will barely scrape the surface of coal and gas-fuelled floods

4 April, 2022 - Incoming Greens MP Sue Higginson*, met with the Premier and Deputy Premier today in her hometown of Lismore. She says her community desperately ...


1 April, 2022 - Draconian anti-protest laws have been rammed through NSW Parliament in less than 48 hours by the Coalition Government with the support of Labor ...