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Unfair protest laws made to be broken

15 August, 2018 - The Berejiklian Government has teamed up with the Christian Democratic Party to block a vote in the NSW Parliament to knock off their noxious ...

‘Ludicrous’: First new coal license set to be granted in Sydney Basin since 1993

14 August, 2018 - The Greens NSW mining spokesman Jeremy Buckingham today expressed outrage that the NSW Government intend to grant the first new coal explora...

Greens NSW MP Farewells NSW Parliament before Joining Federal Senate

14 August, 2018 - Greens NSW MP Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC has tonight gifted NSW Parliament some home truths in her final speech before moving to the Australian Sen...

Greens: Redfern/Darlington Sell-off Must be Stopped

13 August, 2018 - Greens Member for Newtown, Jenny Leong MP, has slammed the latest sell off of land around Redfern station reported in the SMH today and called...

Greens call for urgent intervention in light of NSW Auditor General’s report on FACS failures

10 August, 2018 - Greens NSW Housing spokesperson Jenny Leong MP has called for an urgent intervention to protect public housing tenants in response to the damn...

Hodge podge spending caps will damage local democracy

10 August, 2018 - Bizarre changes to spending caps in Local Government elections have resulted in a disastrously inconsistent scheme resulting in inequitable sp...

NSW should follow New Zealand's lead and Ban the Bag

10 August, 2018 - The Greens NSW have welcomed Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's announcement that New Zealand will phase-out single-use plastic shopping bags ove...

Council pans proposal to build senior housing on the Woy Woy Bowling Club

9 August, 2018 - A highly contentious proposal to build seniors housing on flood prone land at Woy Woy has been brutally rebuffed in a report by Central Coast C...

Greens' plan kick-starts banning the bag and rapid, ambitious phase out of plastic in NSW

6 August, 2018 - NSW Greens MLC Justin Field will introduce ambitious laws aimed at reducing plastic pollution, including phasing out all single-use plastic in ...

Media regulator asked to investigate fascist on Sky

6 August, 2018 - The Greens have submitted a complaint to the media regulator (Australian Communications and Media Authority) asking for an urgent investigation...

New data confirms shark nets should be hauled up for good in NSW: Greens

6 August, 2018 - The NSW Greens have called for shark nets to be hauled up for good from NSW beaches following the release of government data on the metropolita...

A statement from the Co-Convenors

3 August, 2018 - Last night we watched a program on the ABC’s 7:30 about the Greens and sexual assault. We were shocked and concerned with what was shown and to...

Greens expose Santos’ multimillion dollar CSG royalty loophole

1 August, 2018 - The Greens NSW Water spokesman Jeremy Buckingham today accused the NSW Government of creating a loophole which has allowed Santos to avoid payi...