Suki Dorras-Walker

Candidate for Fannie Bay


I’m Suki. I’ve been a public school teacher for ten years and now I’m studying law while I raise my kids. 

I’m running because I believe our community deserves better. We deserve representatives who act in the best interest of the community and who will clean up the mess the CLP & the Labor party have made.

I’m tired of seeing the old parties put the gas industry first while our children face an unsafe climate. Big corporations shouldn’t be making huge profits while people are struggling with rising cost of living.

I will put people first. It’s time to make decisions that benefit Territorians instead of gas companies. We need to make sure our community is looked after with affordable housing, accessible and affordable child care, and a safe climate for our kids.

Help me fix Bagot Road!

We need to listen to the community and build better pedestrian infrastructure around bus stops, improve lighting, and review speed limits on Bagot road.

Read more and sign my petition


SIGN OUR PETITION to save darwin's rehab services

Darwin’s only sobering up shelter, residential rehab and detox (Stringybark) has been forced to close with 6 weeks’ notice so that the government can build yet another prison. 

We can’t put people’s lives on the line for political gain, and yet this is exactly what the Labor government is prepared to do.

Read more and sign the petition here!