ABC independence traded for ABCC vote


The Australian Greens have announced that they will vote against the government’s plans to allow the Communications Minister to make written directions to the board of the ABC, which it is reportedly doing as part of a deal with Senator Leyonhjelm for his vote on the ABCC Bill.
“The independence of the ABC is essential and should not be put at risk like this,” the Greens’ acting communications spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“Malcolm Turnbull thinks he can use the ABC as his own personal bargaining chip.
“Compromising the independence of the ABC, allowing the Minister to dictate to the board, is the first step down a dangerous road.
“The government has made it clear that it prefers the highly partisan content offered up by certain sectors of the private media to the fiercely independent and rigorous reporting that comes from the ABC.
“It’s clear that ultra-right are obsessed with waging war on the ABC and will gladly use our national broadcaster as a cultural punching bag.
“Malcolm Turnbull is trading away the independence of the ABC, in the hope of passing the former Prime Minister’s most malicious attack on Australian workers. Tony Abbott wouldn’t be able to believe his luck.”
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760

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