Cost of Living


By making billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share of tax, we will tackle the cost of living and create a better life for all of us.

  1. Freeze rent increases for 2 years and then cap at 2% every 2 years
  2. Cover dental and mental healthcare under Medicare
  3. Make price gouging illegal to bring down the cost of food
  4. Ensure education is free for life from early childhood to school, uni & TAFE
  5. Raise the rate of all income support payments above the poverty line

The Greens are fighting for everyone's future.

Right now, 1-in-3 big corporations pay no tax. Billionaires, like Gina Reinhart and Clive Palmer more than doubled their wealth during the pandemic. 

While they make huge profits, the rest of us are struggling to cope with the rising costs of living.

Liberal and Labor take big corporate donations, and give the big corporations special treatment. The Greens don’t.

We put people first.

With your support, we can make essential services free and push up wages.

We’ll provide the services everyone needs to live a better life. And we’ll tax billionaires and corporations to pay for it.

Under the Greens plan:

Nurse smiling

Everyone could be $5,807 per year better off

with free dental and mental health, and wiping student debt.

Dad and daughter playing

Families with two kids could be $56,000 per year better off

with free childcare, reduced mortgage costs with affordable housing and rent caps and wiping student debt.

Student smiling

Students and young people could be $20,000 per year better off

with free dental and mental health care, free education, a living wage, lifting Youth Allowance and other payments above the poverty line, and wiping student debt.

tackle the cost of living

Let's tax big corporations to fund the essential services we need – including free dental, wiping student debt, and cheaper food at the checkout.

By signing this, you will also hear from us about our economic justice campaigns from time to time.